…die to please…




“The ones who love us least are the ones we’ll die to please”

I saw that comment on a LJ community called “bratty subs” on a post by someone called “virtuaandvice“. It stopped me dead in my tracks. It reminded me of how powerfully erotic I feel it is when I am desired in circumstances where I am aloof. it reminded me of how hot I find it when I am in total control of my own libido while someone is trying to pierce that control. The power that comes from denial, from withholding.

There’s more to it, things we can pull from that quote. Maybe it’s not about loving someone little but rather not letting love get in the way.

Something to think about while I sleep. Have I fallen in this trap? Have I lost the strength that won me the ownership of the ones I care about? Have I slipped so soon?

Sheesh. Now I have to sleep? ๐Ÿ™‚