Nymphs and journal entries…




ed. note – updated links list 04/11/2004

This is a short list of LiveJournal communities and users that seem to discuss the concepts and imagery most appropriately brought to mind by the word Lolita. I have another entry on the book/topic in the works, but for the moment here these are for reference.

Our Lady Of Nymphets’ Journal – pretty active community (it seems) of people who discuss the book/movies and related issues.

“Look, I’m not stupid. I know you think I’m some silly girl who’ll be emotionally scarred if I kiss somebody ten years older, and that I’ll burst into flames from the sin or something. But people get hurt. And I’m willing to take that risk. You don’t get to decide how I break my heart, or even if it gets broken…”

he`s 30. too young for me, (of not so sweet 17 years).  he kissed me first. he kissed me again. this is wrong he said. we should stop this he said. he kissed me again. you`ll just get hurt he warned. and i kissed him back.”

lo’s lost little lovers’ Journal – a journal for fans of the book and movie(s)

“have been musing on nymphettes lately.

I am 22 and am techinically too old to be a nymphette. I missed my window of oppertunity when I was of the correct age because I didn’t know what a nymphette was. I still however feel I have the souls of a nymphette. Does this still make me a Lolita or just a wannabe Lolita?

Infact can one still be a nymphette whilst being too old? Is it defined only by looks and age or does attitude play a part?

This musing was inspired by my boyfriend actually, whom loves ‘layby’ or ‘lay away’ girls. Ones that are hot but have to put way for a few years until they’re no longer jailbait “

They Call Us Twisted – another community

“My name is Crystal and I’m 15. I first read Lolita when I was 14 and fell in love. I had always been a fan of Dominique Swain’s, but I had no idea she played little Lo in the Adrian Lyne film. I was ecstatic to find out she did and I have seen the movie almost twenty times since I found it.

I currently have an obsession with two of my teachers. I can’t seem to get them off of my mind and it drives me crazy…a nice sort of crazy. “

professor adoration – a journal by people who are attracted to their teachers. A quote:

“So anyway, even though he probably just parked in front of it because of its close proximity to the front doors, I kinda like to think he got some sort of perverse pleasure out of it. I can totally picture his headlights falling on the sign and illunimating my name and he does his little smirk thing when he realizes where he’s parked.”

Individual users that look like they might be interesting…