Ok, plans change!




Ok, that was short.

It’s 7:20 or so now. Due to some client issues I couldn’t leave any earlier. The dinner meeting is 7-9pm or so, then they go to a DSF meeting that I don’t have any interest in. I have to leave the city by 10:00pm. Now, lets assume I went in to meet them for the DSF meeting – we won’t have a chance to talk and get to know each other at it as to talk during the meeting would be rude.

My apologies to anyone who I had said I would meet, it just didn’t work out this time. For those of you who are local I am sure I will see you at some point and those how are out of town hopefully next time it will work out.

In the mean time, I am taking Kimiko to a book store, doing some work and going to sleep early.