Operation Take One For The Country…




OTOFTC Home Page – “About US: ‘Operation Take One For The Country’ (abbreviated OTOFTC) is a movement of like-minded women (women predominantly as of right now) who have covertly organized into groups to frequent eating and drinking establishments near armed service bases where troops are preparing to ship out overseas, and take one for the country, so to speak. We are a virtual organization and have no official headquarters or charter. We believe US service men and women deserve our support and we are willing to make caring choices about making them happy.”


4 responses to “Operation Take One For The Country…”

  1. ben huang

    I am service in us army and my duty station is in iraq now. I will be back home next month, would you tell me how I can contect any girls in my hometown area? I live in San Francisco, CA. Thank you very much!

  2. kenny

    does anyone know where takeoneforthecountry website went did the change adresses or sumting

  3. soulhuntre

    Unfortunately I don't have any further information ๐Ÿ™

  4. soulhuntre

    Unfortunately I don't have any further information ๐Ÿ™