My box is empty!




Here is a copy of a post I put up on Girl2. It explains the current situation ๐Ÿ™‚ I am goign to watch a DVD and go to sleep early tonight. This is going to be a busy weekend!

Kimiko got a bit hurt at the Dojo tonight. Nothing hyper serious, but she has a huge bruise and lump in her left foot. She can’t walk so well, and is currently doing the ice pack thing.

At the same time, her machine just lost a hard drive. Fortunately it was the C: drive, and we never keep any important data on those… so life is pretty good with that. Tomorrow I am going to buy a new drive and an external USB enclosure. Put her old drive in the enclosure, the new drive in the box, format and load then copy data from the external back on.

This will leave us with a usable external 80+gb drive we can use for data transport and a shiny new drive in her box humming along. I expect you’ll see her online by tomorrow evening.
