Boobs and hangings…




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Re:Drugs teach American kids the metric system. (Score:5, Informative)
by Sirch (82595)  on Friday May 14, @13:14 (#9153323)
( | Last Journal: Friday September 19, @17:30)

Not quite. The saying actually refers to the trip from the prison to the Tyburn Tree in London. The prisoner to be hanged would be given drink to calm him down for the hanging. The closest pub to the place of hanging that lay upon the route was a mile away. The prisoner would have a drink at this last pub, and then be given a drink to have on his way to the gallows. Interestingly, this is also the origin of “on the wagon” as one of the guards travelling with the prisoner was not allowed to enter the pubs with him. So couldn’t drink, and had to stay on the wagon.

Some lovely linkage:here [], here [] and here [].
“Great spirits have always faced violent opposition from mediocre minds” – A. Einstein


Re:A complex way to point out simplity. (Score:1)
by ZeLonewolf (197271) *  on Friday May 14, @14:42 (#9154745)

No, but since you ask:

The number is the measurement below the bust.

an A-cup is a 1-inch difference between the measurement below the bust versus around the bust. B-cup is 2 inches, C-cup is 3 inches, etc. DD is the same as E, DDD is the same as EE which is the same as F. This holds valid through an H cup. After that, the interval is 2 inches, with the doubled letter being the in-between value.

Thus, H-cup is 8″, and I-cup is 10″, and a 9″ difference would be an HH-cup.

The largest bra size manufactured without a special order is a size 60N.

“If at first you don’t succeed, lower your standards.”