Butterflies and bloggers…




 “[[wp:Butterfly Effect]]” is the term that comes to mind. A small nudge can result in a big change. Bloggers are like that. We’ll change software on a dime if we have a reason. 6A benefited from this, and now they are getting hammered by it.

As predicted there has been some clarification (read major change) from the 6A folks about Movable Type. Honestly? I don’t think it’s going to change anything. The damage has been primarily done and while many will now feel comfortable staying many will be gone.

Again, this isn’t really about people not wanting to pay for good software. In that way at least ‘bloggers seem to be wholly more intelligent that your average [[/.]] Linux music pirate zealot. Bloggers have no problem paying a reasonable price for software in general – they simply didn’t find the price in this case to be reasonable.

The thing is, bloggers that run their own software are also usually technically savvy and we have a wide range of options to choose from. A seeming contradiction: we are loyal, we have fads, we experiment.  On one hand we are comfortable with our set-ups once we have them right and on the other if you give us a reason to try something else we are pretty happy to do that.

I think the butterflies have flown.