Bye bye MT…




The world of ‘blogs was shaken up some today. Mena from Six Apart posted a comment about Movable Type’s new licensing scheme. There has been to say the least, a huge outcry.

Now, I am the last person who would begrudge the folks at 6A from making a living on their software. Hell, I am a strong supporter of commercial software. However I find their current licensing policy to be a long way from reasonable or well thought out. With any luck they will revise this.

MT is a good tool but far from a perfect one. The primary advantage it had was a strong support community. A lot of people developed add-ons and plug-ins for MT that extended it’s functionality. This was a real bonus. With the new licensing scheme driving these motivated, technically savvy users away I don’t think it can maintain it’s dominance.

As for me, I will be migrating this site to the codebase for the [[wp:CMS]] I have under development as soon as I can. For clients and other sites I will be using other software, most notably I have been impressed for now by WordPress.