A weekend of internal *clicks*…




Anyway, this weekend really focused some light on my conflicting priorities. I always have been in a tug of war between my desire to put energy into my [[wp:BDSM]] “empire” (training, speaking, writing, vending) and finding a way to make a bit of cash and my desire to put out mainstream entertainment.

The thing is, I have much more grip on the BDSM community. It would be a much easier task to gain much more power/fame/influence there than it is in the entertainment biz. I will never be a “big name” in all likelihood (though it could happen)… but I can be a very, very big name in BDSM. If it breaks right, I could have a influence on all of the BDSM community.

Not only that, but it is something I enjoy and I am good at… the perks can be outstanding and the money will be pretty good though I’ll still make most of my living from other sources.

Anyway, instead of entertainment as primary “career” and the BDSM stuff as a hobby or side project, I think that needs to flip. Deal with BDSM in a much more serious, much more central and directed way.

Something think about.