The cult of anger…

You know, now that the Ms. Magazine message boards are gone it’s a little harder to keep track of the insanity out there. However never fear, some of it survives proving that this wasn’t just something in the internet water at that one place.

In fact, the insane offshoots of the uber-feminist community are sounding more and more cult-like. Check this quote:

“You’re not just teasing?! My 17- and 15-year-olds have rounded up a bunch of their friends, we have a feminist girls group coming together, we’ve got a ‘zine in the works (my daughter and her best friend, great writers and artists BOTH, it’s *perfect*), and my 17yo was up til 3 the other morning making anti-porn posters they are going to plaster everywhere. I’ve walked in on my daughter explaining feminism to her friends in this entirely animated way, reading to them from The Beauty Myth, (the only Wolfe book I really liked!), all kinds of stuff.” – quote in context

Yeah doggies, that girl sounds like she is going to grow up with no anger problems at all right? Nothing like a lifetime of being told that the patriarchy is keeping you down to help you relate to humanity.