The French hate us. Remember this.




“We saw it all, Cuban flags, Soviet flags, Palestinian flags, Saddam-era Iraqi flags, banners saying that the US deserved 9-11 and calling Bush a terrorist and more. ” – quote in context

Remember America, it’s all our own fault. That’s what the tin-foil hatters think anyway. You remember a little thing called [[wp:D-Day]] right? That’s when a whole lot of us got together and risked our asses (speaking of allies now) to save [[wp:France]]. You remember France right? They used to be relevant.

Anyway, during the recent D-Day remembrances the normal community and anti-US groups were holding their usual love fest. You know the drill, down with the US, solidarity with Iraqi resistance, that we deserved [[wp:911]] and that we did it to ourselves anyway (bonus tin foil points).

Davids Medienkritik and Erik wound up at the rally to see what was happening and blogged his experience as did Eric.