Talkin bout Soul… shut your mouth!




So I was sent a link to a LJ discussion about The Estate. Honestly I don’t pay much attention to LJ but it’s always nice to know they are thinking of you.

“I’ve also come into contact with Soulhuntre before and, hands down, he’s the most condescending little prick I’ve ever met. Those are dominant traits in my book.

It’s scary that these people give educational talks.” – quote in context

I would love to know when I might have come into contact with “quaker_whore” and what I said that annoyed her so ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, I replied… since the comments seem to be screened and I may not get approved, here it is…

2004-06-24 11:09

“Normally I wouldn’t bother posting on a LJ thread (I’m trying to live up to the condescending thing…) but I decided to make an exception ๐Ÿ™‚

Certainly this is not the place to try and address the questions, no will I try and interrupt the discussion… I’ll just interject a few things.

1) We don’t “stay afloat”. This is not a source of income for any of us nor do we depend on it in any fashion. The training we do we do in our own locations and when necessary in spaces we have access to if a larger or special environment is needed.

2) Yeah, the website needs an update and a spell check. As with many professional developers my own projects always seem to take a back seat to client work. A CMS is on the way and that will help. We have a lot of content we have created for discussions and workshos that hasn’t made it’s way onto the site yet.

Obviously there are other points raised here I have opinions on but I don’t want to bust into this LJ and seem like I am trying to squash dissent with what we are doing so I won’t get into it.

You may find my weblog informative as to more of what we are about as well as Flagg’s weblog
