How about we run our own country, hmmm?




On a mailing list I am on I wound up responding to a post about the [[wp:UN]]. It touches on something I was going to blog about so it is easier to simply post my reply. Identifying information has been stripped and I have paraphrased the quote I was responding to as I don’t have permission to reprint it here. Read on below…

Posted by: “soulhuntre” to BLI_Politickin at Thu, 1 Jul 2004 08:46:58

Heya ๐Ÿ™‚

[ someone commented that the reason the UN is impotent is the veto power of the five permanent security council members ]

> One of the main reasons the UN remain a giant with clay feet is the
> veto power the five permanent members of the Security Council hold.

And thank god someone had the foresight to institute it.

As we are seeing from the “Oil for Food” scandal, the UN is hardly a body that is above reproach. As we have seen from their ridiculously self serving and easily manipulated decisions it is also not a fair and intelligent body capable of making global decisions.

Under no circumstances should the US surrender sovereign decision making authority to this body. It was bad enough when they were simply incompetent, but now that the UN is actively corrupt and anti-US we need to realize that they (the UN) are the next source of threat to our self governance.

Just yesterday I predicted that we would start to hear this refrain… that the problem with the UN is the veto powers. I wound up listening to Oliver North on the radio yesterday by chance and he mentioned something that really took me aback but is undeniable…

The UN is making a play to be the world government in reality and in name, not just a deliberative body.

  • They have a legislative branch.
  • They have an enforcement capability.
  • They now have a judicial branch (the seriously flawed “world court”).

It has become clear to several powerful nations (France, Germany to name a few) that the UN can be a path back to relevance on the world stage – if they manipulate the UN for their own ends they can compensate for their complete and utter lack of power or clout.

The EU stands as an example of the horror that awaits us on this path – sovereignty destroyed, a collective governing body that is ineffectual and readily manipulated and petty squabbles influencing major policies. The EU experiment has shown exactly why it is a horrible idea to give up your future and authority to other nations.

The only thing standing now in the way of the UN and the next step towards world governance is the removal of the veto authority and an attempt to get the world powers (that’s pretty much the US) to give the “world court” the right to unilaterally take, try and punish our citizens.

There are two immediate threats to the US as a sovereign nation:

  • The zealotry of those fundamentalist groups in the Middle East that have dedicated themselves to our eradication.
  • The emergence of the UN as a immediate player for the role of final world authority.

It is imperative for our freedom, for our nation and for the continuation of democracy as a primary model for human self governance that neither of these threats be allowed to defeat or subvert us.

The UN represents the confluence of a number of powerful trends:

  • The “progressive” forces who have failed to achieve success in any of the nations they have tried to turn to collectivism (socialism, communism) have found a new home and stage in the UN. They see in the UN a way to bypass the wishes of the citizens of nations they cannot gain support in… if they can influence the UN they donโ€™t need to pay any attention to the views of those they seek to impose their worldview on.
  • Anti-US sentiment and jealousy. For some nations the UN remains their last hope to reclaim failed self determinacy and this is a motivation I can respect – but not to the point of allowing them to strip ours from us. Other nations simply hate us the way many small failed companies hate Microsoft. They blame us for our success as a way of vindicating their own failure.
  • The realization that corruption is extremely profitable on a global scale only the UN can manage. Now that otherwise powerless nations (France, Germany and others) have found how much they stand to gain (Oil for Food is only an example) they will push for it.

The US needs to maintain the backbone to face the world and say “No, we will not submit to you, we will not kneel at the feet of a world government”. That these days to say something like that is greeted with derision is an indication of how far awry things have gone.
