



Whew! Things have been really crazy here. A short list of what’s happening:

  • 3 major development projects in the pipe from client S and one large admin project, things are happening there. They have some good people in the office so the projects that I am working on now are more interesting than usual.
  • My review copy of Softimage showed up, so I will be working hard on a review and a tutorial for them before the September 1 re-launch of my 3D magazine.
  • The incredibly cool guys at Maingear are going to supply review hardward for the same time period. This will allow me to test XSI under “clean” conditions as well as test a small (3 machine) render farm.
  • The pin-up project seems to be going well.
  • We are cleaning out our storage space (what a nightmare)
  • I have some wallpaper and stuff to do for Maingear to say “thank you!” for all their help.

I’ve been watching the Democratic convention, and it is some of the funniest stuff I have seen in years. You guys are hilarious. I doubt the Republican one will be much better.
