turns his way with a smile teasing…




There is an author on [[LJ]] who calls himself “prof_humbert” that is fairly active in some of the communities there. I have already briefly discussed the LJ community around the Nabokov work and if you missed it and some related thoughts the go check out my past entries.

Anyway, a few paragraphs caught my eye… irrelevant of the theoretical age of the fictional participants the words drew me, because sometimes I think I am this articulate in my head. I never comes out my mouth right of course.

“He forgets that slight unfaithfulness
as the action moves downfield
toward the goal. Lo is poised there,
lithe, alluring: the sun has been revealed,
and she has tied her t-shirt in a knot, the
waistband of her nylon shorts has been
rolled indecently low. He is beguiled
by the oblique lines created as her hips
meet the gentle curves of her stomach.
Play is stopped for a foul; she yawns,
scratching herself luxuriously, and
turns his way with a smile teasing
at the corners of her lips. Time stops
for both professor and nymphet. ” – source

There was another one that drew me as well.

“Do I haunt you in this way? On this summerโ€™s eve, breezes barely moving against the heat sunset did not dispel, do I visit in the drops of sweat that trickle down your neck, in the very stillness pressing in upon your skin? Do I surround you, there with sheets thrown off, lips parted, body casually askew and bared โ€“ do I insinuate myself into your tender dreams, shading them darker? Does a wolf cry out from the woods beyond your sight, and the sound become mine?”

If cat could think that clearly in words he would agree with the sentiment.