FUD all the way down…




Now you all know that /. is biased in a serious way. What is more amusing is how few of the people there who spend energy to bash Microsoft actually have the first clue what they are talking about. As someone brilliant (wait, it was me!) said…

A name=9894116>Re:Sigh (Score:1)
by soulhuntre (52742) on Thursday August 05, @17:58 (#9894116)

“Why do people still use criticisms from the past decade to criticize Microsoft now?”

Denial. They are desperately trying to deny that Linux lost it’s window of opportunity. MS saw what was happening, improved the system and slammed that window shut.

While the zealots continue to give each other handjobs over BSOD jokes MS put out XP and 2003 Server which is rock solid.

They will always be confused about why they aren’t relevant.

Anyway, in this thread one of the replies really pointed this out clearly as it slapped a [[wp:FUD]] ridden post back down some fools throat with a few well placed facts. Read and enjoy. I copied it below as well in case it dissapears.

Re:Redirect to /dev/null (Score:1)
by prisoner-of-enigma (535770)  on Monday July 26, @02:45 (#9798969)

OK, moron, I’ll bite…

Tsk tsk…namecalling is the last refuge of the incompetent. You sank so low so fast I’m shocked you didn’t rupture something.

My intentions were obviously to point out that if Windows doesn’t boot — you’ve got to re-install. Linux has the advantage of the multitude of LiveCDs you can use to rescue your screw-up.

And my intention was to point out there are numerous ways for Windows users to recover from the exact same scenario. You can boot off the installation CD and do a recovery. You can make a custom boot disk to do manual recover (Bart’s PE disk is wonderful for this). Of course, you’d know this if you knew the first damned thing about Windows, but who am I kidding? The only qualifications for being a Microsoft basher on Slashdot are…well, no qualifications at all, it seems. Go read up a bit before you spout off next time and you won’t look like such a fool.

Yeah, because there’s never been a common problem with Windows that doesn’t even let it boot into safe mode

More instant-Google idiocy from you. Did you even bother to read the KB article you linked to? You couldn’t have, because if you had, you’d have seen the “Cause” heading which clearly shows you’re referencing a hardware issue. Hey, I can put a dodgy IDE cable on a hard drive and get Linux to kernel panic all day long. I guess that makes Windows and Linux equally unstable and unfit for real work, right? Boy, I’m glad we got that cleared up!

and good luck with “uninstalling” SP2 RC2 in a recovery console or administrative recovery mode . If you manage, please contact me. (Now, I’ve never seen an RC2 install fsck up a Windows box with this or any other error, but this is just an example)

I’ve already uninstalled SP2 RC2 once from a machine that was in the middle of having a hard drive controller failure. I removed it because I wanted to make sure RC2 wasn’t causing the problem (it wasn’t). The uninstaller worked flawlessly. If that had failed, I could’ve used the System Restore feature to return the system to a previous snapshot, and it just so happens SP2 RC2 forces a snapshot prior to installation. So, to sum it up, I’d have to completely and totally fsck up the box in order to render myself unable to uninstall SP2 RC2 — and if I managed to do that, it wouldn’t matter if RC2 were on it or not. Again, if you actually knew what you were talking about, this conversation might actually be worthwhile. But you’d rather demagogue and be a hypocrite. So typical, yet I had hoped you’d be more entertaining than this.

So, yes, if Microsoft’s automated SP2 RC2 installer (that is so controlling, it doesn’t even give you the option to back-up)

Ummm…BULLSHIT…the fucking installer FORCES a backup! It won’t install without it you damned fool! Could you possibly be more stupid? Have you choked on your knee yet, or is your foot just too tasty to swallow?

This is the picture I Was trying to draw. I apologize if it was too hard a reading for you to follow.

No apology necessary, since your arguments were neither logical, factual, or even mildly entertaining. You wished to engage in a big fit of FUD slinging, and you’ve succeeded admirably! It might’ve worked against someone with no knowledge of Windows or SP2, but you do not have that advantage here. I fear all of this will fall on deaf ears, however, since you’re obviously more interested in crafting fallacies than finding facts, so I will bid you adieu. Please try again later when you’ve grown up and understand that it’s not nice to lie about something to someone who knows more about it than you. They just might catch you and make you look foolish…
“Those who have long enjoyed such priveleges as we forget that men died to win them” – Franklin D. Roosevelt