Oral sex, prudes and hot teen girl on girl action…




While off looking for information for a future post, I found my way to the Free Republic website. This is something of a hotbed of cultural clashes and may in fact be the right wing counterpart to the old Ms. Magazine boards. The thread in question of the search was amazing – with different users drooling, dealing with good humor and condemning as sinful all manner of current culture.

Obviously, I had to look into it more. So I pumped some words that usually give you a fast glance into what people are thinking into the system for hot button topics that had been mentioned in the threads linked to volleyball (yes, volleyball, I’ll explain in a future post). They actually had a category for “promiscuity” among many others so I hit that and out popped a series of posts and comments that you might find alarming or amusing. By the way, “Heteroflexibility” is my new favorite word.

These mostly deal with the current trend of teens to “hook up” and most usefully the nice touch that these days high school boyfriends seem to be getting a fair amount of oral sex and watching girls make out. Makes me wish I had a time machine… here is a quote for you from one of the articles…

“Typically, all the kids would be watching a movie when couples would break off from the main crowd and disappear into another room. Other times, they wouldn’t be so discreet. On one occasion, she remembers sitting only a few feet away from a girl who was performing oral sex on a boy when another girl approached them. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re doing that,” Kate remembers the newcomer saying. “Do you want me to hold your hair back?” (see the first link below for the reference)

On to the threads:

“Physiologically, girls seem to be hitting puberty earlier than ever. But developing breasts is one thing, and sexual and emotional maturity is quite another. What does it mean when 12-year-old girls are servicing boys on a lark? How do such hollow early experiences affect a girl’s sex life and self-esteem, in a Sex and the City culture that telegraphs that all a girl needs to feel better in the morning is a pair of Manolos?” – from the article

“Kate is a stunning olive-skinned brunette, now in Grade 11 at a Toronto alternative school. On the day of our interview, she is wearing a Juicy Couture-style black sweatsuit, slung low on her hips to show off a flat midriff ร ย ยฌa J.Lo. In her characteristic teenage drone, she explains that starting in Grade 7, about 15 boys and girls from her small, mixed-gender private school would gather every weekend, with no parents around.

Typically, all the kids would be watching a movie when couples would break off from the main crowd and disappear into another room. Other times, they wouldn’t be so discreet. On one occasion, she remembers sitting only a few feet away from a girl who was performing oral sex on a boy when another girl approached them. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re doing that,” Kate remembers the newcomer saying. “Do you want me to hold your hair back?” – from the article

“Most alert parents know the web is a porn superhighway, readily and frequently accessed by unsupervised tweens and teens. Then there’s MTV and cable.” – from the thread

“Sorry, the world is not going to hell in a hand basket. I have been out of high school for 20 years. It wast not uncommon for 15 and 16 year old girls to give the occasional BJ. If you were lucky, you dated one of these girls :-)” – from the thread

“Back rubs, slumber parties, holding hands, and playing with each others? hair: This is all typical teenage girl behavior. While boys tend to rough-house, girls tend to be more affectionate. It?s always been innocent.

Until now, that is, writes Washington Post writer Laura Sessions Stepp. Nowadays, ?sexual preference is a shifting concept? among adolescent girls, and in our sex-charged culture affectionate behavior between girls has gone well beyond child?s play.” – from the article

“The homosexuals haved used the fact that your private parts don’t care who is touching them to recruit young people for a long time.

It used to be that parents recognized the threat deviancy posed to their children, but the high priests of the nightly news have dictated that is “intolerant.” – from the thread

“It goes even further than that: as an abominate activity, literally an activity “warned against by the omens” going by the etymology, homosexual activity destroys the connection between humanity and the higher orders of existence that lead back to Deity because it is both malum in se, execrated in revelation, and contra naturam, so that indulging in it takes a person outside nature and outside any relationship with ordered Creation.” – from the thread

“Among them is Caity, a thin, 14-year-old freshman with long blond hair and braces, who says that she is a virgin but that she occasionally ”hooks up” with guys. Caity doesn’t make clear what she means by ”hooking up.” The term itself is vague — covering everything from kissing to intercourse — though it is sometimes a euphemism for oral sex, performed by a girl on a boy. Sitting next to Caity is her best friend, Kate, also 14, whom everyone affectionately refers to as the ”prude” of the group. Outgoing and attractive, she’s had a boyfriend for a couple of months, but they haven’t even kissed yet.” – from the article

“God help us, if this is the norm in today’s youth… If I EVER find my daughter doing anything like this, I don’t know what we’ll do… One thing is for sure: She will not be growing up with much TV, which makes this crap seem (and has helped made it become) normal.” – from the thread

“Megan was the subject of a Post front-page story Sunday revealing that some city kids – including girls at Holy Child – play a strange game called “Snap” where girls wear bracelets and rings of different colors and boys try to rip them off.

If a boy succeeds, he gets a coupon from the girl promising to perform whatever sex act the color stands for. Black, for example, represents sexual intercourse.” – from the article

“If you had played that game in the Catholic school I went to, the only thing that would have been “snapped” off of you was your ear. God, how I hate the modern world.” – from the thread

“LOL,me too. If our uniform skirts showed our knees we got in a alot of trouble. My dad was brutal.LOL. I hated that but now I miss it. I wish my grandchildren could be as lucky as I was.” – from the thread

“They (high school students) are very casual about acting on impulse. They meet with friends casually and it develops into a more serious relationship, as far as physical relationship. With no strings attached,” said Vicky Dotson, a parent and high school teacher, who hears more students discussing “hooking up.” – from the article

“What’s worse, is that there are a lot of kids out there who feel that oral sex is less intimate than intercourse, which is in turn, less intimate that kissing!” – from the thread

“Stopping children from seeing a one-second kiss is not going to make homophobia go away. It’s just going to add to it.” – from the article

“God help us all when corrupting children receives government endorsement. Let’s see…it took only months for the gay marriage issue to cross the northern border. American kiddies should be performing lesbo plays any day now. I know they are already seeing this kind of thing on school videos, in assembly productions, and, of course, on television. It’s a tiny baby-step to move on to having the young ones immitate the behavior themselves in school plays (and on their own). And we will ALL be forced to “celebrate.” Welcome to liberty American depravity style.” – from the thread

“Let those up North reap what they have sown. The decent ones will be fleeing south…so long as we can maintain a viable alternative to the morally-imploding society they already enjoy!” – from the thread

“Products that used to be designated adults-only are now being peddled to kids, with not-so-subtle sexual connotations: tween-targeted cosmetics, courtesy of mini-branding giants the Olsen twins; paraphernalia with “Porn Star” and Playboy-bunny logos, sold in the juniors section at department stores; and even kid-branded lingerie. American retailer Abercrombie & Fitch introduced thong underwear to its Abercrombie Kids line last year, featuring phrases such as “Kiss Me,” “Wink Wink” and “Eye Candy.”

These products have helped create a generation of pseudo-sophisticated girls, advanced about sex but ignorant of its meaning and consequences. Kids inhale an atmosphere in which sex is a commodity to exchange for status, while overworked parents and school systems are often less than available to help kids interpret the messages they are receiving.” – from the article

“”Good” girls have been giving out hummers for many, many years now and teenage boys have happily been letting them oblige.” – from the thread

“Yup. I went to HS from 1959-1963, and there was plenty of oral sex happening back then, too. Maybe even more, since we didn’t have the benefit of easy access to contraception.” – from the thread