Arnold, Satan and you!

Ok, I have some pages open of insane [[wp:tinfoil hat]] types. This time, lets look at conspiracies… alien and terrestrial. Read them all, and go to the sites. The fun is just starting!

  • Via Metafilter – Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act

“W. David Kubiak, executive director of, the group that commissioned the poll, expressed genuine surprise that New Yorkers’ belief in the administration’s complicity is as high or higher than that seen overseas. “We’re familiar with high levels of 9/11 skepticism abroad where there has been open debate of the evidence for US government complicity. On May 26th the Toronto Star reported a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US leaders had ‘prior knowledge’ of the attacks yet declined to act. There was no US coverage of this startling poll or the facts supporting the Canadians’ conclusions, and there has been virtually no debate on the victim families’ scores of still unanswered questions. I think these numbers show that most New Yorkers are now fed up with the silence, and that politicians trying to exploit 9/11 do so at their peril. The 9/11 case is not closed and New York’s questions are not going away.” – quote in context

“In doing the research into Arnold’s background, I read Alex Jones’ great expose article entitled “New World Order Elites’ Big Plans For Arnold”, from as well as the related articles that supplement it. For those of you who may not have been following closely, Arnold’s father was a Nazi, his mother married the head of the Austrian Parliament, he is friends with and avid supporter of former SS Officer, Kurt Waldheim, as well as being affiliated with Bohemian Grove and rubbing shoulders with the world’s elite, and of course, he’s married into the powerful Kennedy clan. These facts alone denote somebody of prominence who is “going places”. In addition, I independently, like many others, made a connection between the titles of some of Arnold’s movies and the events that were unfolding before us in the “real world”. The most obvious being Arnold’s 1990 movie “Total Recall”, linking to the California Recall Election, which was Arnold’s ticket to the Governor seat.”

“Fascinated by symbolism and numerology, the globalists’ favorite tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans “hidden in plain view.” From messages delivered to the masses through the media and films to Time Warner’s all-seeing eye, we are repeatedly reminded by the illuminati themselves that they are controlling us and are omnipresent. World leaders from Clinton to Prince William have been photographed proudly flashing the sign of the devil. Architecture around the globe is laid out to represent their occult icons or structured based on occult numerology (like the pyramid Mitterand had constructed at the Louvre, which is made of 666 pieces of gold glass). The New World Order’s symbolism is everywhere and there are globalist fingerprints all over the September 11th attacks as well as the Madrid train bombing.”

“But the idea of Eros/Venus watching over mankind is an odd one – not really supported in terms of mythology. So what would the message here be? Well, since Eros/Venus is the god/goddess of love or sex, his/her assistance would have involved… well, breeding. Using breeding to better mankind – this is called ‘eugenics’. And the field of eugenics was pioneered by, you guessed it, the Nazis.

Near the end of the show’s storytelling, the progress of mankind finally leads to the pregnancy of a single woman. This would be the ‘perfect child’ created through the careful eugenics program known as ‘history’. A gigantic DNA double-helix is then projected above the lake – the perfected DNA… It’s a ‘messianic’ child – the Holy Grail. Fittingly, in addition to being Mary’s womb, the Grail – as ‘lapsit exillis’ – is a form of ‘stone fallen from heaven’.”

“Napoleon is often thought to have been an ‘antichristic’ figure especially in the context of Nostradamus’ prophecies. We often hear that he was ‘Antichrist 1’, Hitler was ‘Antichrist 2’, and the third has yet to come… Well, Terminator 3 was in theaters last year just before Schwarzenegger’s rise in politics. So we wonder: Was ‘Terminator 3’ an allusion to ‘Antichrist 3’? The answer we find here is amusing and ominous.

The following passage is from the Book of Revelation, apparently talking about an antichristic figure:

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

The two names given here, ‘Abaddon’ and ‘Apollyon’, both mean the same thing – ‘Destroyer’… or even ‘Terminator’! And Arnold is not only the Hollywood ‘Terminator’, he’s also been Conan the Destroyer (1984)! The name ‘Napoleon’ has also been interpreted to mean none other than ‘destroyer’… The parallel goes even further as we find that just as Napoleon had the nickname ‘the Eagle’, the name ‘Arnold’ means ‘eagle rules’.”