The land of rape and honey…




Speaking of a little crazy but so damn funny and occasionally insightfil. I bring you, the Misanthropic Bitch!

  • Save the Children – “Your innocent daughter ? having never read a newspaper or watched the evening news ? is unaware of the danger that lurks on the Internet. In reality, Tyler is a 35-year-old, pock-faced, garlic-breathed, ass-scratching pedophile who wants nothing more than to take dear Aimee’s maidenhood.”
  • Land of Rape and Honey – “If you know that you’re attracted to young boys and you believe that being attracted to young boys is wrong and you want to ensure that you don’t act on your attraction to young boys, you might think you’ll find safety in the sexual void of Catholicism. Then the Church elders give you a baptism by fire and put you in charge of the spiritual guidance of young boys. Fuck. At least you tried, buddy.
  • Coatlique Has a Fit
  • The Return of Coatlique
  • Coatlique Takes Manhattan