Fight Club @ Everything2




Fight Club on [[Everything2]]…

  • That little bitch Marla Singer- A cultural critique of sexism in Fight Club“What makes the sexism in Fight Club most ironic is how clearly it comes in conflict with the main characters’ philosophies. Tyler explains to the Commissioner of Police that “The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals. We haul your trash. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep.” Are we to believe women serve none of these functions in our society? It is also ridiculous and naive to think that any revolution could be as successful as the one depicted in the movie without women, who comprise half of the population, after all.”
  • Do not watch Fight Club every day for a week“got pissed off at clothing designers, people who wear designer clothing, people who want you to see them with their cars, appliances, furniture, and all the other crap that movie spoke out against. Fortunately, I realized what was going on, and stopped short of keying the piece of crap.”
  • Fight Club DVD warning“This warning appears during the start of the Fight Club dvd and can be difficult to read as it only appears for a brief time before flickering and disappearing into a smiley face and the main menu.”