Plesk and other tidbits…





Technical tidbits of note too small for an entry of their own…

  • Magic the Gathering Online needs firewall access for 9896 and 16000-16999. This is the pixel version of [[e2:cardboard crack]]
  • Plesk seems to rotate it’s web logs at around 04:17:00
  • Plesk keeps [[e2:suexec]] logs in either /usr/local/psa/apache/logs/suexec_log or /var/log/httpd/suexec_log depending on how it was installed
  • Plesk sometimes confuses suexec on the disk./usr/sbin/suexec should match /usr/sbin/suexec-psa
  • suexec gets upset if an executable is world writable or world executable

More another time ๐Ÿ™‚