Debate this, sucka!




ed. note: Much more under the fold, go check it out.

The third debate went well… and I think Bush came out ahead. You can find an awesome distillation of the debate that says, in plain English, sort of what the two candidates actually meant during the debate. Take it tongue in cheek but it’s more accurate than you might want it to be.

It’s really amusing to see how hard Kerry is pulling to the right trying to make sure you don’t mind voting for him. I mean here is a democratic candidate who holds the following positions:

  • Anti abortion
  • Anti gay marriage
  • Openly religious
  • Wants to add two divisions to the military

I mean, what kind of bizzaro-verse do we live in here? Now, you can’t actually believe anything Kerry says, because in addition to being a lying weasel he also is happy to try and hold every position on every topic. So I put together a little chart here…

Topic Bush Kerry
  • It was the right move.
  • We are making progress.
  • It was never going to be easy.
  • Fuck everyone who didn’t like our choices.
  • We must not fail.
  • It was the wrong move.
  • I voted for it.
  • Don’t hold me to all that stuff I said during my campaign to be nominated.
  • We are failing.
  • I will beg the other guys to help us – that will win respect.
  • We must not fail.
  • Do what we need to do.
  • Do what we need to do.
  • As long as France will like it.
  • Oh, and Germany.
  • Oh and everyone else.. remember they all know better than I do.
  • I don’t like it.
  • I think we should fund as many alternatives as we can.
  • Late term partial birth abortion is vicious and I stopped it.
  • I don’t like it.
  • I’ll stay out of the legal stuff.
  • If you leave the people who create jobs more money, they will create jobs.
  • The top 20% already pay 80% of the taxes, what version of “fair” are you using?
  • The rich are evil bastards. Let’s take all their money.
  • Once we take all the Rich’s money everyone gets a free pony!
Gay marriage:
  • I oppose it personally.
  • I think this is something the country (a democracy) should vote on.
  • Consenting adults can live as they please and we need to respect that.
  • I oppose it personally.
  • Leave it up to the courts.
  • ‘worker cards’ to track people from Mexico so they can be legal.
  • No amnesty program should be allowed.
  • hmmm… Bush is evil.
  • No amnesty program.
