Kerry Fries!



Eyes wide shut

Vote for Kerry because, well, the French love the guy.

That seems to about cover the whole thing. People are whining and crying about our national image and falling all overe themselves to make sure we kiss as much international ass as we can. What I don’t understand is why. See other than some trade that they will work with us on anyway I am not really sure why the US is worrying about how most of the world feels about us. Particularly the UN.

You remember the UN right? That’s the world body that oddly wouldn’t enforce it’s own sanctions on Iraq with military force for some reason and has also taken to blaming the US for everything they can while simultaneously demanding that we pay for just about everything they can think of? Of course I say “oddly” up there sarcastically. We know exactly why the UN was reluctant to authorize military forces into Iraq… they were getting paid off big time by Saddam Hussein. The AP tries to spin it (in a non partisan way of course).

Can you say “[[wp:Oil-for-Food_Program|Oil for Food]]”? I knew you could.

“Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry complains that President Bush pursued a unilateralist foreign policy that gave short shrift to the concerns of the United Nations and our allies when it came to taking military action against Saddam Hussein. But the mounting evidence of scandal that has been uncovered in the U.N. Oil For Food program suggests that there was never a serious possibility of getting Security Council support for military action because influential people in Russia and France were getting paid off by Saddam.” – quotation in context

These are the people that John Kerry proposes will grade us when we take the “global test”. We’re still not sure what that is though it seems to be “Will the guys in France still tell me I’m not a loser and let me play with the cool kids?”

Speaking of the [[e2:surrender monkies|French]] they sent us an open letter trying to get us to back off by attempting to bribe us with a hint of support in Iraq – you know, if we’ll look the other way…

At a time when the U.N. is considering a return to Iraq, and we all agree on the need for close international cooperation to help a sovereign, stable Iraq emerge, I don’t understand this campaign. Or the hidden agenda behind it.” – quote in context

Links on the UN “Oil for Food” scandal…