I need a hug…




It seems to me that there is one core requirement for being in the separatist, wimmin’ born wimmin’ radical feminist camp. A complete inability to deal with even the slightest perceived problem without breaking out in a fit of hysteria. Hell, apparently at Michfest they dedicated a whole tent to people who couldn’t handle the stress of – well being at the festival apparently.

The most amazing part is the hypocrisy and feeling of entitlement these chicks have:

  • They will cheerfully tell you that no one has the right to tell wimmin’ how to think – then proceed to tell each other how to think.
  • They will go on and on about how insulting it is to imply that wimmin’ are easily manipulated and then tell each other they have been manipulated if they disagree.
  • They will go on and on about how what they do with their bodies is a sacrosanct and inalienable right, then tell other wimmin’ that they have a responsibility to “all wimmin’” to not have kinky sex.

As you read remember, “Radical Feminist Consciousness’ means bitter, indoctrinated, paranoid groupthink. You don’t just dislike something, you’re “triggered” by it.  That’s how you try and take the moral high ground to force others to stop doing things you don’t like.

So grab yourself a White Lesbian Name (mine is “Orca WildKitty”) and some popcorn! Coming next is another list of anti-BDSM posts from these people.

  • “However, in the morning I discovered that it was IN my tent when I found the remains of my hot dog buns (yes, yes, I know, I know – donโ€™t have to tell me). All day I wondered what I was going to do for sleep that night and at one point I wound up in the comfort tent (I think thatโ€™s what they called it) crying my eyes out and asking for a hug and chat about every damn thing (racoons, leaving family, no job, coming out, on and on).”quote in context
  • “My biggest gripe was, they showed a lesbian sm movie on Movies Under the Stars. I was rather chagrinned when I realized it was supposed to be a comedy? :/ It sure as fuck didn’t sound like any comedy to me. You could not avoid hearing it, it resounded throughout Jupiter Jumpoff, Bread and Roses and surrounding camping areas, and the sounds of whippings and spankings and women calling women “Daddy” are– dear god, triggering for me to just *write* about. I don’t really give a shit what people do in their houses or tents, but I’ve been beaten in real life with belts, cords, and hands, by men I called Daddy, they were abusers, and I don’t want to hear that shit anywhere when I’m not expecting it, especially at Fest! :/ Geez.” – quote in context
  • “My Fearless Sisters, Wow! I’ve been following this thread for awhile and continue to be astounded with each and every post. I’m purely amazed with Hyperjoy and Truevision. I gather you are both young (in your 20’s? Am I correct?) which is about 20 years younger than me. That you are developing a radical feminist consciousness at such a young age and that you have moved with this consciousness in your private and public lives is utterly astonishing to me. I can’t even find the words (much as I love words) to express my admiration for you both and the sense of empowerment that I receive from reading your posts.” – quote in context