Submission and blood… Buffy, Faith and Dawn




“If I stay here… you won’t be the one in control, Dawnie.”
Faith didn’t even notice using the pet name, but Dawn did. It felt nice to hear. “You think you can just make me do whatever you want?”
Faith tightened her grip on Dawn’s wrist, and curled the fingers of her other hand tightly into Dawn’s hair. “I’m pretty sure I can.”
Dawn swallowed, her fresh arousal obvious to Faith. She met Faith’s eyes. “Guess I’ll have to deal.”
Faith’s smile was almost fond. This Brat was really starting to get to her! She kissed Dawn’s mouth. “Guess you’ll have to.” – quote in context

So as I was surfing for Buffy/Dawn [[e2:slash]] [[e2:fanfiction]] I came across something much better. That would be Faith/Dawn [[wp:BDSM]] slash fiction. Anyway, follow some of the links below for more amusement.