It might not be true, but – well – it’s his fault anyway!




All those explosives gone missing, and it’s all the personal fault of [[wp:George Bush]] – at least that’s what [[wp:John Kerry]] wants you to believe. Read this whole entry, there is a lot here to digest…

“Although these bunkers were still under IAEA seal, the inspectors said the seals may be potentially ineffective because they had ventilation slats on the sides. These slats could be easily removed to remove the materials inside the bunkers without breaking the seals, the inspectors noted.” – quote in context

There are just a few problems with the story he is shouting from the rooftops with such glee… not that a little thing like the truth is going to slow him down. As a side thought, if Kerry is now so upset that we might have lost what he claims are 380- tons of explosives that he now is screaming have put the world at risk of a wave of terrorism why wasn’t he upset before the war about Saddam having the same explosives? Well, I mean he wasn’t upset about it before as he says now, though back then he was upset about it enough to vote for the war… which he denies doing. I think. It’s very confusing with this guy.

The current controversy over the IAEA report and the missing explosives must be viewed against the backdrop of mounting U.N. hostility toward the Bush Administration. The strong possibility that Mr. ElBaradei and the IAEA deliberately sought to influence the electoral debate in the United States should be thoroughly investigated. In the face of growing scandal and declining credibility, accountability and transparency must be the watchwords that govern the U.N.” – quote in context

Here’s the chronology:

Some other bullet points and references:

Rampant linking!