Thoughts on the bin Laden tape…




“You fear us. You fear George Bush. You fear his resolve. You fear him so much you will try anything to get rid of him. Fuck you.”- me, later in this post

I thought I would comment briefly on the Osama bin Laden Kerry campaign commercial. I posted the transcript already.

“So with these images and their like as their background, the events of September 11th came as a reply to those great wrongs, should a man be blamed for defending his sanctuary?

Is defending oneself and punishing the aggressor in kind, objectionable terrorism? If it is such, then it is unavoidable for us.” – quote in context

You know, I might agree to a point. The difference between “terrorism”, “rebel” and “freedom fighter” is sometimes a fine line.  I happen to think that suicide bombing children is fairly clearly on the “terrorist” side, but in the end I don’t give a crap. Terrorism or legitimate tool of conflict the reality is that these people are dangerous – and the only reasonable option is to wipe them out and re-shape the region to prevent their continued existence.

“It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the American armed forces would abandon 50,000 of his citizens in the twin towers to face those great horrors alone, the time when they most needed him.

But because it seemed to him that occupying himself by talking to the little girl about the goat and its butting was more important than occupying himself with the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers, we were given three times the period required to execute the operations – all praise is due to Allah.” – quote in context

Well, look who has been in touch with Michael Moore. Right after the planes struck the [[wp:WTC]] on [[e2:911]] President Bush did something smart for about 7 minutes. He stayed the hell where he was. No one knew how widespread the risk was, and it made perfect sense for the commander in chief to stay where the secret service could keep an eye on him, in a location they already knew was secure and away from primary targets.

“And know that: “It is better to return to the truth than persist in error.” And that the wise man doesn’t squander his security, wealth and children for the sake of the liar in the White House.

In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No.

Your security is in your own hands. And every state that doesn’t play with our security has automatically guaranteed its own security.”  – quote in context

This has been misinterpreted to imply countries, but it turns out it is much, much more interesting…

The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera(1) on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to “each U.S. state,” designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush. The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words “ay wilaya” (which means “each U.S. state”)(2) to mean a “country” or “nation” other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state. This suggests some knowledge by bin Laden of the U.S. electoral college system. In a section of his speech in which he harshly criticized George W. Bush, bin Laden stated: “Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security.” quote in context

The message is clear. Any US state that dares to vote for George Bush will be on a list of enemies, while any state that votes for John Kerry will be “safe” from retaliation.

“And Allah is our Guardian and Helper, while you have no Guardian or Helper. All peace be upon he who follows the Guidance.”  – quote in context

We have our Guardians you moron, they come from our own people and they are volunteers – they carry the guns that shred your fighters. They fly and build the planes that spot your every motion. They build and program the satellites that allow us to communicate your actions to anyone in the world we wish. They make the missiles that knock on the flap of your fucking tent at night.

You fear us. You fear George Bush. You fear his resolve. You fear him so much you will try anything to get rid of him. Fuck you.