Son of rejection: This time it’s personal!




This is the followup to this post where I put up the text of a email I had submitted for dissemination to the EsoDom mailing list and commented on it’s rejection. I had also offered to put up a comment if Eso wanted. he wants. So here is his addendum, and under it is the full text of the original rejection email.

"Your post didn’t get posted because of what or how you said or explained your view. Your posting didn’t get posted for the sole and only reason, because it was from you.

Amongst the fact that I do indeed consider you detrimental to our lifestyle, your arrogance and rudeness has become unbearable to me." – posted by Master Eso to me on Saturday, November 27, 2004 8:42 PM

I’ll leave the irony to stand on it’s on and only say this… if I had been "Master Soulhuntre" they wouldn’t dare treat me this way ๐Ÿ™‚

posted by Master Eso to me on Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:52 PM

From: Master Eso [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:52 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Your Postings


that was really a nicely written posting. Not even I could really find anything offensive, insulting, double-edged, degrading, belittling or even disrespectful in your words. Frankly, I didn’t think you had it in you.

However, it is also a clear sign, that the usual insulting and offensive wording in your postings, don’t get there by accident.

Unfortunately, I do no longer consider your postings beneficial to my group, or the Absolute Master and slave lifestyle as a whole, and rather see your teachings, trainings, or whatever you wish to call what you are doing as detrimental to aspiring slaves and Masters or the lifestyle itself. In other words, I see it no longer just as a simple matter of opposing or disagreeing views, but detrimental.

As you are well aware I do run my private list a little different then most people do and so, please refrain from submitting further postings to my list.

As I personally realize that we are all students of life and lifestyle, I always seek to constantly increase my knowledge or wisdom on my path, I do learn a lot from being on other lists, such as the Absolute BDSM list, and will therefore extent the privilege and courtesy to you, to remain on my list and learn hopefully all you can.

Blessed be thy paths,

Master Eso

"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom." – The Kybalion


3 responses to “Son of rejection: This time it’s personal!”

  1. Damn, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I honestly don’t recall the occassion, but I sure do like my posting. Who knows, maybe one day you even gain my approval.Well, anyways. Just passing by.Blessed by thy next four years.Master Eso

  2. Damn, I couldn't have said it better myself. I honestly don't recall the occassion, but I sure do like my posting. Who knows, maybe one day you even gain my approval.Well, anyways. Just passing by.Blessed by thy next four years.Master Eso

  3. […] other day the comment system here at core / dump let me know that there was a new comment on an old, old post. It was my old pal โ€œMaster Esoโ€ who must have been out there Googling himself or something. […]