Chip in my head, CHIP IN MY HEAD!




Ok. I wound up cruising around some of the insanity laden [[e2:tinfoil hat]] sites. Here are some of the gems. Generally, these fall into two categories.

  • Those people who think the government ([[e2:new world order]], [[e2:Illuminati]] or aliens) have implanted chips in their brains or are controlling their mind via “waves”. This group hears voices that aren’t there.
  • Those people who think the government ([[e2:new world order]], [[e2:Illuminati]] or aliens) have arranged teams of people to monitor their movements and stalk them. These stalkers then go wherever they are and make their life difficult. This group hears voices that are there (random strangers) but their paranoia makes them think it is all about them.

It’s sad really. These people need help. Help or a specially constructed anti alien ray helmet I can provide for $99.99.  You need a good hat, because you are a hero!

“Realize that you are a HERO!  Think about it!  You have been stripped  of everything: Job, money, spouse, family and friends.  Perp lies and  sabotage prevent any chance of finding a new job or new friends.  Most soldiers on a battlefield at least can count on their buddies or military supplies to help them through.  But YOU……have NOTHING! As if that were not bad enough, the perps have you so far out gunned with classified  technology that only the federal government agencies could find out who or what methods are being used against you.  But they are steadfastly indifferent to your plight and will not help.  Know that you are fighting against overwhelming forces with little or no resources.  Failure against  overwhelming odds is nothing to be ashamed of…rather be proud that you fought valiantly and heroically.  Therefore, even when you loose a battle there is no reason for you to hang your head in shame. No one else in your situation could have done any better than you have. Put anyone else in your place and they will fare no better!  You are still alive and able to think!  Do not give up!  Hang in there!  Do not despair!” – quote in context

Some quotes to get you started…

  • “For example, the perpetrators (who appear to always have access to their targets’ homes) may sometimes come into the house while the target is out and move things around a little bit. The target has the feeling that something is wrong, but can’t quite put his/her finger on what has changed. This is a clear illustration that this activity is a psychological game of cat and mouse, and has little to do with any overt kind of damage that may be caused (such as burning someone’s house down or stealing valuables). ” – quote in context
  • “Another activity is having neighbours leave and arrive at the same time as the target. The other day I left the house on foot and a woman was rounding the corner near my house. We were walking towards one another, and I crossed the street wanting to put some distance between myself and her (on some level we often sense when a person is a perp before they do the overt behavior). Without missing a beat, she immediately crossed the road as well (the timing felt as though she was mirroring me because I crossed quite suddenly and she followed in a sudden jerking sort of way).” – quote in context

Some of them can can prove they’ve been messing with their life… really…

  • “The silvery coloured material is duct tape. The grey slotted steel channels clamped to the legs are stiffeners. The original back of the chair is lying on top of the seat cushion. Within a month of purchase, the duct taped support bar had both its welds snapped and they were good welds. (I have welding experience.) The welds securing the sheet steel padded web on the back were snapped, even though I never lean on the web as I sit at my table. Whoever did this then started incrementally bending over a large radius the legs, making the grey stiffening channel necessary. The design of this chair with steel tubing would not bend in a large radius if loading beyond the weight of a person were used to break the chair. The bends would be sharp and local to where the legs are pinned together. There was no mis-use, such as standing on the chair. About three years after purchase, I returned home to find the back hack sawed off. All damage occurred while I was away from home, usually at work.” – quote in context
  • “Eleanor White set up a bank of 24 modems at her last place of technical employment for a program system which allowed customers to dial in and place orders directly on the company mainframe. The perps would constantly cause the modems to fail to hang up, and by doing so, all calls after the modem locked were blocked from other modems in the bank. The only cure was to stand beside the modem bank and switch modem power off then on again. There were no commercial products available to monitor this modem locked condition, because it does not happen without this specialized type of harassment.

    Eleanor designed and built these devices, at a cost to the company of $500 each, for a total and UNNECESSARY cost of $12,000, and while they did solve the problem, this cost was 100% the result of criminal activity. ” – quote in context

  • “This is the 3rd pair of socks that has been “replaced” with a larger, older set of socks of the same brand. I threw two pairs away, but took a picture of these, since it was still happening.” – quote in context

And now, a few words from those of us who are silicone enhanced (chip implanted not the fun kind):

  • “What your about to read is true, it is the result of a 3+ year investigation. It will be difficult if not impossible for you to believe even after you read the evidence contained in public releases from military DOD, Dept. of Justice, police, US Patent Office, retired officials, private investigators and then the victims of the crime of the century and perhaps of all time. This is not fiction but something so evil and insidious I thought I should take some time and lead you into it gradually but there is no time, the criminals who are murdering men women and children in their homes by the million require a quick description of the situation; millions have already been murdered in their homes by a hideous science of implantation by microchip and or directed silent electromagnetic energy. This is the truth, a secret international organization sanctioned by all governments despite their serious differences in public with their political objectives exists; this particular international liaison takes precedence in international politics in that all officials across the globe fall silent as to its existence and activity, its as if the activity does not exist for the public.

    Their goal is multiple and they are the New World Order as they themselves define themselves, evil in nature and structured in the medieval way generally with kings and vassals and knights and we all the peasants if we do not have rank in their evil empire, they consider us mere livestock. At this precipitous time in history there are many events forcing mankind on the brink of cataclysm from nuclear war via nuclear proliferation, the known thinning of the North Pole and the environmental after effects that are known to follow, these two things alone have spawned an evil policy for removal of a serious percentage of the population coupled with the toppling of the free country Americans who in their ideology of freedom represent a threat to the policy being stuffed down the publics throat. The media do stories about what they are told to say, and now because of the internet we are finding out what they have been hiding, which is that those in charge are guilty of serious crimes of human rights abuse here at home.” – quote in context

  • “I’m an American woman in her 40’s. In 1998, I began being “zapped” by some energy force. These zaps hit my body when I’d lie down to go to sleep. The zaps kept me awake for hours. As time went on, something else began to happen (and still does): a feeling that the air near my body is “electrified.” My heart races, and my nerves feel jangled (even if I haven’t had any caffeine all day). It keeps me awake until the energy force somehow “turns off.” – quote in context

  • “I have over 10 hours of videos showing these Pulses being beamed straight down to me from the Satellite above. I have also captured over (1000) Still Photos of these Pulses taken outside my house during the night.

    Every Air Force Base in the Country including other Countries that has our Air Force Bases are awarded this System. Everyone that is being targeted, should look around for the closest Air Force Base and start from there. I know this because this is how I was targeted. I have written to the Travis AFB Commander and that seems to stop my harming but is still being locked-in with this System. It won’t be long from now that I will get a “EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation Testing) done to use as clear evidence for my lawsuit. Together with the Photos and Videos and Emr Tests results, there is nothing that I need from there on in Court.” – quote in context

  • “I hear voices, and sometimes, the right side of my head feels like it’s pulsing. I know I was implanted. It was over 3 years ago. I woke up with dried blood behind my right ear and there were 2 blood drops the size of a 10 pence coin on my pillow. At the time I thought the blood was to do with my earing, even though there was no damage. Soon afterwards, I started hearing voices.

    The people I was around with at the time started saying certain things that I was thinking the previous day, even though I never told anyone what I was thinking.” – quote in context

  • “Here is an example of the lights over my computer workspace blinking. It started the day I sent out a mailing to the group about the people who harass us being like demons. To see that mailing, go to:

    Click here for video  1.2 MB, MPG format” – quote in context

Here are some ways you can test to see if you are being targeted:

  • “This test requires that you NOT speak any words out loud, but only write them down or type them on a typewriter.  You can use a computer but if the perps are using tempest, they can read every word on your computer screen.  You can communicate with a friend by writing on a piece of paper the destination and activity the two of you agree upon.  If the perps are there ahead of you, they probably can see through your eyes or read your thoughts.” – quote in context

  • “The element of surprise is paramount here.  An unscheduled visit to a minor emergency clinic, podiatrist, or chiropractor is the order of the day.  Be sure to bring cash or credit card.   Make up a pretext why you need to have the x-ray done, and say up front this NOT an insurance claim and ask what is the charge for the x-ray so that you can pay immediately.  This will grease the wheels and hopefully it can be done before the perps can interfere.  Watch the x-ray door to see if there is any perp activity.  They have been known to switch x-rays.  Loiter in the hall around the x-ray room, so as to catch a glimpse as the film is being processed.  Keep in mind that only a small percentage of implants will show up on x-ray.  The new implants are not metal, and some are even biological (living cells) and therefore difficult to detect.  It has been reported that some psychics can detect implants and even disable them.  Keep in mind that this could result in a decoy effect.  Also keep in mind that the perps do not need to implant you.  They now have the capability to do everything to you by remote, classified electronics.”  – quote in context

  • “What I have found in the Bible Codes about implantable chips in these last days is that they are 2-way transistor radio type chips. Over the years they have perfected them from being tracking devices to being able to influence people by speaking to them directly through these chips and influencing their actions. Through these chips they can read your thoughts, hear what you are saying, even see what you are seeing (depending on the chip, like a video chip they have and can implant you with).

    But the Lord has not left us defenseless. We can deactivate these chips that most people have been innocently implanted with from the time they have been born.

    You don’t have to buy expensive frequency readers to determine if you have been chipped. A phone call to the Lord is free.” – quote in context

And those evil “perps” are right bastards!

  • “This is why most Targeted Individuals are not working. Even if you are able to find a job, the Perps will tell lies to your boss and co-workers so as to gain co-operation for on the job harassment. Then your projects will be sabotaged, your co-workers will pick fights with you, your good work will go unrecognized, and eventually, you will be harassed right out
    of the job. If you are being considered for a job that pays well, the Perps will simply tell more lies to the boss so that you will not get that position.” – quote in context

  • “There have been increasing reports that traffic lights are being
    manipulated in such a way as to:

    1) turn yellow just as the target approaches the light or
    2) turn red and stay red longer so as to hold the target at the intersection.

    Some survivors report that the yellow light has been used to write citations. The red lights are used to delay the victim’s progress until the perps have time to set up vehicular street theater. This is especially true of the traffic lights which govern the entrance to major highways. Some reports indicate a perp vehicle, proceeding ahead of the targeted vehicle, appears to have a device to change the traffic light to red as the perp lead vehicle passes under the light, leaving the targeted vehicle stopped at the traffic light. Perp theater is thus better organized further up the road or at the target’s final destination.” – quote in context

  • “The Perps plan for you is deliberately designed to make you appear paranoid. Perps will enter your home, leave something out of place, steal something, or leave something there which was not there before. This is all part of the plan so that when you report this to the police, you look like you just forgot, or your mind isn’t “quite right”. This is a terrorist break in, designed to make you look paranoid. Usually, when strangers enter a home, Police expect to find valuables missing. When you report the thieves stole a stick of butter and left the TV and VCR alone, the police will conclude that you are a mental case.” – quote in context

It goes on and on. Go read for yourself and enjoy. Links list: