We lost on purpose, really….




You know, the elections have been a funny and informative time. I am, obviously, happy that the president was re-elected and I have been enjoying some of the resultant thrashing about greatly. You might remember that “screw ’em” Kos was a huge supporter of Kerry, raising money and promising all and sundry that mana woudl fall from the sky (in a non-religious way) and that the world would instantly love us again, even the French. Or maybe not…

“Of course, there’s a silver lining to all of this. A Kerry presidency would’ve been an unmitigated disaster, with a hostile congress, budget woes, the mess in Iraq, etc. Not a good time to be in charge. Those Supreme Court seats would’ve been nice (whoever we would’ve been able to push through a hostile Senate), but we’ve got an opportunity for long-term gain.” – quote in context

I get it, it’s actually better that they lost. It’s just too bad though because Kos was so sure that Kerry would have been the right man to lead this nation…

“But what makes me angry was Kerry and his gang’s inability to take advantage of the situation. I may regret saying this later, but fuck it — they should be lined up and shot. There’s no reason they should’ve lost to this joker. “I voted for the $87 billion, then I voted against it.” That wasn’t nuance. That was idiocy. And with a primary campaign that consisted entirely of “I’m the most electable”, Kerry entered the general without a core philosophy or articulated vision for the job.” – quote in context

Or maybe not ๐Ÿ™‚