Turning Japanese…



2004-12-12-IMG_GET-24-58-23 Os_mayuko_iwasa017
So Cute

I put up a whole new little gallery of images called “Asian Obsession”.

Not only are these images pretty hot in their own way, but the represent some of the things I love about Japanese glamour photography.

  • No fear of experimentation
  • A “lovers eye”… not cold and sterile but somewhat surreal in its focus
  • They have no problem showing the models as “girls”, indulging in a playful sensuality without the paranoia felt so often in the west. They have no need, in effect, to pretend that innocence isn’t sexy as hell.

Go check it out, and enjoy.


One response to “Turning Japanese…”

  1. Where can I view the full content of these photo galleries?
    Is a membership required.
    This work is professional and tasteful.