Innocence lost…




On a mailing list we are discussing age and innocence. Someone mentioned that they thought things were better in :the days before us” when kids could just be “kids”. That many of these believes about the “old days” are false is only the beginning of the problem. Anyway, here is part of my reply, reprinted here for safe keeping.

“This idea of children as innocent, angelic beings who should be free from care, strife and knowledge is a construction primarily of the Victorian era (arguably one of the least healthy social periods in history).

 In “the days before us” humans who were what we now consider “kids” were running empires, leading armies, acting as Kings and queens and forging the history of the species.

 I find it constantly amazing that these days children the same age as some of the great military leaders of all time are believed to be incapable of handling the stress of losing a dodge ball game.”