GM’s “doggy” weighs in…




Here is a bit of text from one of GMyourGod’s former submissives, not the one
who has now decided to accuse and attack him. It is pretty clear that she is
supporting the idea that her relationship was consensual.

There is a lot of contradiction in how some things are presented. In
particular there is some stuff in there about him not "letting her go" that
seems to be wrapped up in a request for release that he did not grant
immediately. Of course she was free to leave, and waiting for release to be
granted seems to have been because she was trying to voluntarily comply with her
agreement in the relationship – not because she was held against her will.

– emphasis mine. I am copying this
here in case it gets changed for some reason:

For the record, I’d like everyone to know that I have never been a
victim of anything. My relationship with my former Master was, for the most
part, an amazing and wonderful experience. He opened me up to myself, and I
wouldn’t be who I am today without having been with him, *loved* him, and
experienced the things that I did.

Lots of people said then, and say now, that much of what he did was abuse.
My definition of the boundary between BDSM and abuse is, and always has
been, fully informed consent. Once I stopped consenting, he needed to let me
go… he did not, unfortunately. But I did wind up leaving, because I’m a
strong person and also a majorly stubborn chick.

However I am not now, nor ever was, a VICTIM of anything except what I
considered to be a major flaw in his judgement in our final days. What
happened after I left, I cannot vouch for one way or the other… I can only
speak for myself and say that while I was with him, everything we did was

I am now engaged to a wonderful man (mr. wonderful, the man of my dreams,
the love of my life!), and a small business owner with a home in the
country, two fabulous dogs, and an incredible sex life which is still very
very alternative, and still 100% consensual.

tamara, aka: doggy


2 responses to “GM’s “doggy” weighs in…”

  1. doggy

    Perhaps you should allow my words to speak for themselves instead of speculating. Had you known me well enough at the time, you would’ve known the circumstances of my leaving, as yes indeed I was held against my will. I have no reason to believe he got better after I left… rather I believe he got worse. All the same I have no desire to be involved; my part in this is so over to me. You could’ve just emailed me and asked, you know.


  2. Dear Doggy,

    I never knew you, but I did know pooch, and I also spoke to Marcus on occasion via phone. My (then) Mistress had almost agreed to “give” me to God.. and go to live with you all. So I almost was a sister of yours…!

    Looking back, I realise I was totally nuts to even think of this as a life style…!!!! I do not know the circumstances of your leaving – I am just glad you did!!!

    I suppose you and poochie are no longer friends, but she did me a very good deed… And, that is when my very best friend was dying…I happened to be online in the AOL chat line.. and I IM’d her and she stayed with me throughout the whole thing… and was very helpful.

    I am sorry this whole mess has hurt so many people… I never truster GM… although I thought he was a true genius.

    I would really enjoy being in touch with you to learn more and discuss the life I was almost “given” into. If you are beyond all this, then God’s Speed to you Girl!!! Ignore me!

    Kat (not any kind of pooch or doggie…)