Oh my God!

In Queens NY they have arrested a fairly extreme guy by the name of Glenn
Marcus and accused him of a laundry list of offenses including torture,
kidnapping and more. The case itself has all the earmarks of being a "he said /
she said" case of disputed consent and retroactive remorse on the part of the
victim. The kind of thing that is becoming more and more prominent these days.

"According to the shocking new details obtained
by the Daily News, Marcus burned his initials into the naked buttocks of his
victims, called them by nicknames such as Doggie and Pooch and forced them
to call him God.

He also threw them into dog cages, kept animal
collars around their necks and beat them when they resisted, said a source
familiar with the case." –
in context

Sounds bad right? That’s the point though, it >sounds< bad. Let’s play the
game with my personal life shall we and see how bad we can make it sound…

"The New Jersey man was said to prefer the company of younger girls,
insisting that they call him Daddy. In addition to beating them with a
variety of implements ‘Daddy’ repeatedly threatened them with a firearm and
drew blood with surgical implements and medical devices. At times the were
held under water for long periods and at others suffocated till the lost
consciousness. The girls were also given to friends and associates for
sexual use."

See? It all sounds horrible. I know someone who taps fucking veins for
and someone else who has put girls in a dog cage and used a cattle
prod on them. Care to imagine how that would play in the media?

Anyway, there have been posts all over by scene folks asking who this guy
was. Here has been my response to this point, slightly edited

Assuming that "Glenn Marcus" is the guy I chatted with on occasion as "GMyourGOD"
I have been in various chat rooms the guy was in on and off for years. He is
friends with some people I know (though not me) and in all that time he was a
sadist but not insane. His girls showed no signs of being "brainwashed".
They were happy, they were talkative and they were freely allowed to communicate
with others from what I saw. As during the years he had a moderately quick
"turn-over" they were also clearly allowed to leave.

He was smart, articulate, clear spoken and jovial. If anything, he was so
brutally clear on his preferences and so difficult to approach for most people
that he actively discouraged the casual attempt to meet or serve him.
He dismissed several girls rather than keep them if they were unenthusiastic
about the things he demanded… no the kind of guy from what I saw who would
bother with kidnapping. He had no shortage of willing applicants.

Many will stand back on this one, they will declare that he wasn’t in "the
lifestyle" and that he wasn’t a dominant at all but a sick, twisted predator
hiding among us while doing his evil deeds. This will be a good litmus test for
the NCSF. I personally wouldn’t bet they touch it with a 20 foot bullwhip but I
am more than willing to be pleasantly surprised.

I can’t tell you whether or not he crossed a line with this specific girl… I
don’t know her or him that well. I do know that the ACTS of sadism they describe
sound like him… but the motivations and lack of consent do not gel with what I
saw of him.

No one who went to him was unaware of what they were getting into… his
website, the discussions with his other girls and his own demands (as I saw
them) of the hoops people jumped through to get his attention made it EXTREMELY
clear who he was and what he wanted.

Could he have crossed a line? Maybe. But this is, to my gut, much more likely a
case of remorse on the part of someone who fell out of love or lust.

What cannot, IMHO, be denied is that this was a lifestyle dominant. He may ALSO
be a rapist or predator…. but he wasn’t faking BDSM as camouflage.


11 responses to “Oh my God!”

  1. This story is crazy. You don’t go to a theater and not watch the movie, you don’t go to a lifestyle dominant and expect it to be roses and whip cream.

  2. Renate

    I *really* hate it when I agree with you. 😉

  3. Scott

    GMyourgod is an idiot! Always avoiding contact with us other Doms, fearful of getting exposed. Where there is smoke there is fire! So “god” needs help from his mommy and daddy? So “god” now hides behind a flannel jacket? Hmmmmm, sounds like “god” needs medication for his psychopathology!

  4. Chain

    I happen to know Mr Marcus personally; I have for years. He is a friend of mine. True and informed consent was always his highest priority in his BDSM activities. As a willing participant in said activities I can say that with 100% certainty. I believe that where there is consent, there is no abuse. What two…or more… consenting adults choose to do to and with each other is their business. I may not LIKE what someone else may do…but just because I dislike an act doesnt mean others who do enjoy said act can not perform it. Mr Marcus always operated under informed consent. Always.

  5. Elaine

    I’ve corresponded with this man off and on for years. Although I never met him, my inclination here is the same as yours. He was most definitely extreme, no doubt about that. However, he was honest about who he was, and never attempted to hide his motivations. From what I can tell, he made sure that the women he was involved with fully consented to complete submission. His website (now down, I notice) clearly described and explained his viewpoints and actions. Whatever accusations are made against him, I hope that those who judge him will be open-minded and intelligent enough to separate simple social “deviance” from real trangresssions against others. Being judged by a group of “peers”, in this case, assumes special importance.

  6. SA Austin Berglas

    If anyone has information regarding GLENN MARCUS or his recent arrest, please contact Special Agent Austin Berglas, New York Office FBI, (212)384-4453

  7. […] iorities and law
    enforcement tasks in a post 9/11 world and I don’t envy them.

    soulhuntre » core-dump » Oh my God!


  8. Ophelia

    I talked to GMYOURGOD for over six years in two aol Chatrooms. Master4subfemale and Femalesubsought and I have gone into private chat rooms with him. I loved talking to him and we spoke on the phone many times discussing D/S and master/slave relationships. I talked to a lot of his slaves who adored him and worshipped him. I would even act like I wanted to be in his pack of doggies while playing online. GM is a good guy. too bad he got caught… I think who ever helped turn him in fell mad crazy in love with him and he dumped her. A lot of women out there truly love the torture GM gives them and they beg for it and will pound on his door asking for more!

  9. Shoshannah

    Take a look at this letter from the “Government” (the legal team prosecuting Glenn Marcus). They are requesting that the witnesses against Marcus be allowing to conceal their identities, denying him his right to confrontation.
    The Government is suggesting that the witnesses would be in danger of retaliation from the BDSM community, as if the communicty were some sort of mafia that attacks people who endager its freedom.
    Therein lies an implicit assumption that the case is, in fact, a danger to the sexual freedom of BDSMers.. .
    An excerpt from a Government letter dated 10/27/2006, available from public records…
    The limited protections requested by the government are
    necessary and appropriate to protect the witnesses’ safety and well-being, avoid potential harassment of the witnesses by the press and others, and prevent undue embarrassment and other adverse consequences, such as loss of employment.
    In addition, Marcus’s arrest and prosecution has prompted heated debate online among members of the BDSM community and others, some of whom see the government’s prosecution as oppressive and a threat to their sexual freedom. These individuals could similarly view the witnesses’ testimony for the government as offensive and wrong, which could lead to retaliation against the witnesses.
    Thus, the limited protections requested by government are necessary to protect the witnesses from potential harm, harassment, undue embarrassment and retaliation.

  10. s. cohen

    Hi there
    I am a reporter covering the Glenn Marcus trial and found what you’ve all written very interesting. If any of you would like to talk to me about Mr. Marcus for a story I’m putting together, I’d appreciate it. I am trying to understand a very confusing case and I’d be really interested in talking to anyone who knows him personally or has chatted with him online. I understand everything is not as it looks in this trial. Trying to figure out what’s what in VERY unfamiliar territory.