Open Feminist Source Radicals




Zealotry is inherently flawed I think. At some point, your blindness to the
flaws of your own position simply manage to make you look stupid and ruin your
credibility. Usually the mechanism for this is hypocrisy.

Slashdot is to Open Source Zealots (OSZ)
what The
is to Radical Feminist Zealotry (RFZ)… a place where like minded
people can sit around convincing themselves via an echo chamber effect that
their position is unassailably correct. One difference in Slashdots favor is
that they allow more dissent and are generally smarter people than the RFZ’s.

Common traits between Radical Feminism and Open Source Zealotry… this is
off the cuff but feel free to put more in the comments:

  OSZ’s RF’s
Oppressed by: Big Corporations "The Patriarchy"
Life would be better without: Intellectual Property laws Men
People who don’t agree are: Greedy / Stupid Greedy / Stupid
Sex life: Can’t get a woman Can’t keep a woman
Emotional outlet: Whine on Slashdot Whine constantly
Feelings on capitalism: Hate it Hate it
Feelings on corporations: Evil Evil
Favorite thing to steal: Movies / Music Your Daugter
Hygiene: Don’t bathe Don’t shave
Feelings on porn: Addiction Fear & Loathing
Favorite Celebrity: Natalie Portman Andrea Dworkin
Residence: Parents basement "The Land"

A well, I had more to say… but I’ll leave this post to stand on it’s own.


One response to “Open Feminist Source Radicals”

  1. […] Recently, they have still been doing it. Making jokes about “blue screens of death” and the insecurity of “Internet Exploder” long after such jokes have been accurate or relevant. The zealots simply refuse to see the world as it is… their own feelings of elitism require that they continue to pretend superiority. […]