Boy germs!

Insanity! women arguing over whether it is politically acceptable to fuck
men, and whether your lesbianism must be politically motivated to be valid… if
you believe that you might have been "born lesbian" then you have betrayed women
and embraced your patriarchal masters! Of course the reality is that none of
them have the urge to
understand the topic they are speaking of
, because a little knowledge might
blow their politics away.

"Were lesbian/gayness, genetic or inherited traits…. Since we do not
reproduce ourselves, any lesbian/gay gentotype would die out really quickly.
Yet reliably, generation after generation there was are, about ten percent
of the population. (In models of pathology, “causes”? are n area of large
concern. Certainly the “cause”? of homosexuality is always up for examination
and yet we never ever question the “cause”? of heterosexuality. ) I believe
that a biological determinant has built in properties that argue strongly
against such any “innateness”? to homosexuality." –
quote in

The thread is a
great read
, not only for the inherent insanity of the position (that there
is no innate drive to heterosexuality in the human species) but for the
viciousness with with the faithful attach each other as heretics. The radfem
philosophy is so vague, so open to interpretation and so based on victim hood
that it is trivial for purges and personal attacks to be clothed as political

In other words,
like every
other radfem discussion it comes down to cliques of women attacking other
cliques of women as being politically ignorant
and trying to assert
patriarchal power.

"It began with a statement from you Heart, that there are *political*
consequences for supporting any arguement that lesbianism is innate or has
biological origins. You said RF has to be not just hard but ‘very hard’ on
that view even when it is being expressed by lesbians themselves." –
quote in

Apparently one Christina Hoff Sommers has really carved out a pile of hatred
for herself. The radfems just can’t handle her at all… so here are some links!


One response to “Boy germs!”

  1. […] orld.
    Serious penis envy
    So it turns out that the same people who
    deny the
    concept of  genetic influence over their lives and development have