Sit on it…




"How long did the Monk believe these things?

Well, as far as the Monk was concerned, forever. The faith which moves
mountains, or at least believes  them  against  all the 
available  evidence  to  be  pink, was a solid and
abiding faith, a great rock against which the world could hurl whatever it
would, yet it would not be shaken. In  practice,  the 
horseknew, twenty-four hours was usually about its lot.

So  what of this horse, then, that actually held opinions,and was
skeptical about things? Unusual behavior for a  horse,wasn’t it? An
unusual horse perhaps?

No.  Although  it  was certainly a handsome and
well-builtexample of its species,  it  was  none  the 
less  a  perfectlyordinary  horse,  such  as
convergent evolution has produced inmany of the places that life is to be
found. They  have  alwaysunderstood  a great deal more than
they let on. It is difficultto be sat on all  day,  every 
day,  by  some  other  creature,without forming an
opinion about them.

On  the  other  hand,  it is perfectly possible to
sit all day, every day, on top of another creature  and  not 
have  theslightest thought about them whatsoever." – from
Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency