Apple: Zealotry Inside…




John Kheit obviously
has no worries about stirring up hornets nests
. Remember a few days ago when

Apple announced the switch to Intel
? The thing is, up until literally hours

that the PPC processor was clearly the one true way
, spouting off about how
much faster it is (it wasn’t) and how much better it is (it isn’t) and so on.

Then the announcement happened.

Suddenly, the move to Intel makes perfect
sense! Fear not Mac faithful, there is no
problem here and nothing to see! The Intel is clearly better. Double plus good
man, have some more cool-aid. And like the good little Electric Monks they are,
many Mac pundits have switched on the
BOZO bit
and completely forgotten their recent rantings.

Now, I believe it is the right move. The Mac platform hasn’t
been cost effective for years and it was becoming clear that Apple was losing
the hardware technology war. The platform itself is no longer the bastion of
"must have" for design or publishing either. Heck, if it wasn’t for all those
people who think that having an iPod makes them cool Apple would be in worse
shape. Intel isn’t just their best play, it’s their only play.


the most recent Kheit article

stirred up the /. guys
… so read it all and enjoy!