I don’t mean to be cruel…

I was

contacted a few days ago via the comment system
for a second time by
James H. Graf, the man who is
under the impression he is the target of a world spanning conspiracy.  I
figure I’ll respond here, in a separate post as I am unsure if everyone reads
the comments.

James took issue with my posting because I indicated that I may not think
that the US government is using advanced weaponry and surveillance techniques to
keep him quiet because he was a low level protestor a long time ago.

"Are you claiming that the things I report didn’t happen? How can you
assume that? No physician has ever determined the cause of my depressed
cellular immunity. The theory I set forth in

“Marks of Torture,”?
therefore, remains the only plausible explanation
for this well-documented condition." –

from his comment

The short answer is yes. I do not believe your interpretations of events are
correct. Since you believe (among other things) you have been subjected to
electromagnetic surveillance by government agents and employers…

"This was apparently an agreement to allow Burns again to use a form
of electronic surveillance on me that had been used the year before. Menta
had described the equipment used at that time as involving x-rays and
another form of radiation (microwaves?). Margarita Woolcock had also spoken
of an "x-ray camera." –
quote in context

This sort of thing is not uncommon in the paranoid. They take snippets of
events and weave them into a story of conspiracy – a story with them at the
center. Consider this from the same article of his…

"What I had, however, was not true Chagas. My doctor treated it with
Ampicillin, and it went away. I have since realized that
genetically-altered bacteria
with Chagas trypanosome DNA spliced into
them were probably responsible. Over the years, many such bacteria have
found their way into my system, mainly by deliberate contamination of my
foodstuffs in the course of innumerable break-ins." –
quote in context

Here’s the theory as far as I can piece it together, in a nutshell. James is
so dangerous to the government of the United States that he, along with others,
have been the subjects of a large organized shadow conspiracy intended to keep
them quiet by making them sick. They are also under constant surveillance
involving advanced technology, teams of agents and the co-operation of their
bosses and co-workers on a large scale. As an aside, the US government is also
using it’s influence to control the UN and governments of other nations to
prevent them from helping these people.

What confuses me is why wouldn’t the conspiracy just kill them? I mean, if
you are willing to break into someone’s house over the course of years and
poison their food why not just one of the many undetectable chemical and
biological agents that would be instantly fatal and effectively undetectable?

I’m sorry, I just don’t buy it. You and the other victims have my sympathies,
and I hope that you find your way clear to get help… but I’m just not going to
buy into the vast conspiracy stuff.

As an aside, you may want to contact the folks at
Above Top Secret, they do believe
in this and would probably be able to offer discussion and support.


2 responses to “I don’t mean to be cruel…”

  1. That guy needs some serious professional help. If the government wanted you quiet, you’d have a very bad accident the next day.

  2. […] suggested I serve him…

    p.s. I wonder if they are going to poisin my food now and

    use that x-ray gun on me.
