Hustling the left…




Hustling the left

Lets start with the collision of the insane left radical feminists and the
just plain insane left. To hear it be told womyn (remember, that’s "womyn born
womyn" – trans folks need not apply, you still reek of penis) invented peace.
Really! The problem is that Larry Flynt
(who is about as crazy as a loon in some ways and amazingly brave in others)
tried to help "Not in Our Name" which is a sort of touchy feely anti-war
propaganda organization (that probably has ties to


Anyway, Larry’s participation stirred the ire of some radio hack at KPFK most
people never heard of who felt compelled to try and play in the big pond. Not
one to stand around and be accused of everything from racism to child
molestation, Larry fought back.

Hilarity ensued including hurt feelings, pleas for support and much hand
wringing amidst published private email and more.