Someone is watching me…

Well, this is a little creepy. If appearances are correct an FBI agent is
reading my little corner of the web. There are two comments from someone signing
as "SA Austin Beglas" of the NY FBI office. Here is the comment in it’s

"If anyone has information regarding GLENN MARCUS or his recent
arrest, please contact Special Agent Austin Berglas, New York Office FBI,
(212)384-4453" – posted by SA Austin

A quick search of google indicated the phone number might be legit, but the
email address ([email protected]) doesn’t
show up anywhere so I can’t be sure. It doesn’t matter, the point is a good

If you have information you believe is credible that could shed light on the
case or the charges against Glen Marcus listed in the links bellow then by all
means call and report them. I absolutely hate it when the innocent get
convicted, but I also don’t want a true predator (if there is one in this case)
freed. If you can help then do so. I don’t have any information on it as I only
spoke with him occasionally in AOL chat rooms and was never privy to any
intimate information other than what was on his website.

As a side note, I have been part of teaching tactics and unarmed conflict to
FBI agents during my martial arts career and every agent I met was a extremely
dedicated person. It can’t be easy to handle the conflicting priorities and law
enforcement tasks in a post 9/11 world and I don’t envy them.

The posts in question:

p.s. I wonder if they are going to poison my food now and

use that x-ray gun on me


2 responses to “Someone is watching me…”

  1. Chain

    I have done a very quick search of other blogs pertaining to Mr Marcus (perv scan, down on my, google’s news groups, a few others) and have not found a similar request by any FBI personel.

    The FBI website lists the NY office number as 212-384-1000.
    Here is the URL for it.

    So no, I have no idea if this is legitamate…it would seem to me that if the FBI sought information, theyd advertise everywhere. And they would also have the correct phone number. Though that could be Mr Berglas’s private extension.

    Or maybe they just know this blog is the best one
    As I have stated previously, I know Mr Marcus, he is a friend of mine. And I state again, all that happened with me involved full consent.


  2. Bunny

    I came upon this site’s post after a Google search on “austin berglas FBI”. Try it, and you’ll get all sorts of hits besides this one.

    He’s for real – my bro’s high school mate actually. I was surprised to see him on a We TV story on Stephanie Good and decided to check him out some more. Scanning around the internet is his job.

    Austin Berglas
    Supervisory Special Agent Cyber Crime Unit

    He was a recently a contributor/speaker at the 3rd Annual Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection Summit (April 28 – 30, 2008; New York, NY).

    From internet info I see that Marcus was apparently arrested in May05 for sex trafficking, detaining women and torturing them as sex slaves, and forced labor; trial started Feb07.