Heh, he said “Monad”




Microsoft keeps showing anyone with an open mind that they "get it". I know,
I know, most people don’t believe it… but your wrong.  MS has a huge
number of smart people and they have the resources to do the kind of R&D that
the most of the "open source" community can only dream about.

Case in point is
Monad is the next generation command line shell from MS. While the folks who use
the Un*x like systems (including Linux) have been crowing for years about how
good their shells are, there have been almost no important improvement in the
Un*x shell technology since I learned the stuff more than 20 years ago.

Monad represents the next logical step, and is a huge improvement. So huge in
fact that anyone with an IQ would recognize it – unless they were blinded by
hatred of MS. People like that, people who cannot see the important technologies
simply because of who they come from are destined to fall behind. You cannot
allow yourself to be blinded by prejudice.

For a while Linux had a technical advantage over MS, for a while I think it
hit it’s "sweet spot". But things have been changing rapidly:

  • Starting with Windows 2000, MS had a kernel whose features and stability
    matched any Unix
  • The quality of the code in the Linux kernel and surrounding tools has
    been dropping rapidly as the number of developers grows and the infighting
    gets worse
  • Microsoft is pushing the next generation technologies, taking the big
  • The Linux folks are staying with the technology of the past, because
    they don’t have the ability to innovate on a large scale without the
    resources commercial interests provide
  • Often when a commercial company has tried to pump money into Linux they
    have become targets and eventually bitten (witness Bitkeeper)

The future isn’t Linux, and it isn’t open source.

Some cool Monad links: