Mommy! They’re too good for us, make them stop!




God, it’s pathetic. The Linux / Open Source fanboy zombie crowd is just so,
so sad. So in the EU Microsoft is forced by a lame lawsuit to offer Windows
XP-N, a version of WinXP that does not come with media player. For some reason a
bunch of confused hippies managed to convince the EU courts that what computer
users really want is a operating system with less features because Microsoft is
evil for making WinXP do stuff.

Turns out,

no one wants that
. Imagine.

Go read something by Rand, then follow
along with how insane this is. The more functional, useful and complete WinXP is
the worse it is supposed to be. Achievement is bad. Utility is bad. Obviously
the only right thing to do is limit how good WinXP can be so that you can
pretend your lame alternative is competitive.

"Mommy! That boy runs to fast! Let’s force the school to break his legs so
I can be competitive!"

Sad, sad and pathetic.
Read the
thread if you want and enjoy the whining


One response to “Mommy! They’re too good for us, make them stop!”

  1. Intelligencia

    Should BE:

    “Mommy! That boy runs _too_ fast! Letโ€™s force the school to break his legs so I can be competitive!”

    Why am I not surprised you misspell “too”/misuse “to” and also “don’t get it” when it comes to the M$ B$.

    I bet you cheat when you play Monopoly, _also_, don’t you?
