Another July 4th and we are still here

Here it is, Independence Day again. Years after the attacks of 9/11 and the United States is still here. We have stumbled, both internally (the Patriot Act will forever be a blight on our record in history) and externally… but we survive. We survive, thrive and compensate because we are a democracy, dedicated to the concept of allowing and enabling achievement. The United States was not founded to drag us all down to an equal footing… it was founded to allow us to rise to our best.

“To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money—and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man’s mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being—the self-made man—the American industrialist.

“If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose—because it contains all the others—the fact that they were the people who created the phrase ‘to make money.’ No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity—to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words ‘to make money’ hold the essence of human morality.” – Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, page 386

This is why we have achieved superpower status and dominate the globe. It is not our people – we are drawn from the countries that are even now failing. It can only be the core basis of our culture… achieve, strive and grow. Prosperity as a reward breed excellence. You cannot get the best from men if their only reward for achievement and ability is slavery to those who have neither.

“…when we convene the National Assembly of People’s Power in the United States during a revolution here” – post on the Marxism mailing list, Jun 27, 2005

Anyone who has read my blog at all knows I am a big fan of democracy, capitalism and the right to keep what you create and earn. This philosophy is at direct odds the the form of evil that call itself “socialism” and it’s close kin “communism”. In the past I have mentioned that the current war in Iraq and the “anti-war / peace” movement have been providing rich fodder for those who care nothing for peace but are simply looking for a opportunity to overthrow the government here in the USA. Chief among these is the group that calls itself A.N.S.W.E.R.

“I’m almost too shocked to say “well, the chickens have certainly come home to roost, haven’t they?” – post on the Marxism mailing list, Sept 12, 2001

Let me be absolutely clear. I am completely in support of the freedom to protest this war, or any other action of our government. I even wholeheartedly support the right of these idiots to protest and spread their propaganda… even though they would deny the same right to those who oppose them. Hell, I support the second amendment primarily because it was intended to allow the citizenry the ability to rebel and overthrow their government if needed.

I am not one of these people who feel that to be in disagreement with the government or the president makes one a traitor or unpatriotic. However, I am also well aware that there are those in this country who wish to see our downfall… and pointing this out does not make me a thug. To some of these “revolutionaries” anyone who does any work more involved with money that digging the odd ditch or who might not be in a trade union is evil, expendable and a enemy of “the people”.

“My brother was furious with me all day Tuesday because I just couldn’t work up any sympathy for these people. I told him, these are the people who empliment the policies of imperialism formed at the World bank and IMF, which result in death and destruction daily through starvation, lack of affordable medicine, pesticide dumping. These are like the little grey bureaucrats described by Hannah Arendt as embodying the banality of evil within the Nazi regime.” – post on the Marxism mailing list, Sept 13, 2001

That’s right, if you work on Wall Street, your a Nazi. That’s clear thinking analysis there… nothing insane about it. Not. In order to figure out whether they should be upset, some of the Marxists of the world were reduced to trying to decide exactly what percentage of the people killed at the WTC were “workers” and which ones were “capitalist underlings”. In the end, at least one decided that all the evil people worked on the upper floors so it was OK to enjoy watching them jump to their deaths.

Assuming then that we (the non socialist, non Marxist, non communist bastards of the world) are evil, then what do you think is their goal? Why would these groups work so hard for the anti-war movement when, int he end, what they want to see is more body bags and more capitalist scum laying dead int he streets? The people who rejoice in their smug feeling that we are getting what we deserve don’t really want it to stop… yet they are working all out to force us to pull away from our interests in Iraq, just like they did in Viet Nam. Here is why:

“But I think it WILL be a victory if the Iraqi guerrillas come to power and drive the imperialists out, not matter what happens afterwards in terms of sanctions. And if they are guerrillas led by revolutionaries and communists (real communists, not quislings), getting the sanctions lifted may well be one of the things we need to do when we convene the National Assembly of People’s Power in the United States during a revolution here. That because such a government would be an internationalist government, which seems to be the one thing the U.S. rulers will simply not countenance (Cuba).” – post on the Marxism mailing list, Jun 27, 2005

Another quote will help to shed some light on what they hope to achieve…

“It would seem logical for the antiwar movement to be reaching out to this mass sentiment, drawing new, broader, and more powerful forces into a united struggle. It should be high time to clearly articulate this yearning for peace and to make it unmistakably visible—as was done with considerable success during the Vietnam war.” – quote in context from “Why Anti-Imperialists Should Support a Mass Movement Against the Iraq War

Screw these people. Screw them and their dreams of our demise. For much more than 200 years we have grown and prospered… and for that long they have plotted and envied. We bring out the best, their dreams would punish the best. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is the halmark of slavery. Those who can enthralled to those who cannot. It can never prevail.


2 responses to “Another July 4th and we are still here”

  1. […] In a recent post I quoted some of the words of the Marxist/Communist/Socialist left that revealed their attitudes and motivations… since they are a core organizing influence in the "peace" movement, I think this is fairly useful information to have. Here is some more. I am going to put here the entirety of a essay titled "All Roads Lead to Baghdad" and I have highlighted in bold some of the passages I think are most revealing in how these people think. […]

  2. […] The US is the target of their anger and hate not really because of what we do – it is what we are. Our existence is abhorrent to them – this is why appeasement, deal brokering or trying to buy them […]