ATLAS looks tasty




Atlas is Microsoft’s work on a fully integrated, browser independent ASP.NET 2.0 driven AJAX library. Go ahead, dig into it and weep for joy. Now “go live” release won;t happen till sometime in 2006, so Atlas is not what you might want to build a quick and dirty app  that has to be delivered “today” on. For that, you should look into Ajax.NET or Anthem.NET and I’ll have more of that soon (they both seem to have their flaws). For my personal development projects? I may just go with the preview of Atlas so I am ready. Hard to say.

How all this relates to the ASP.NET 2.0 “script callback” stuff? I am not sure yet but I think that aside fromt heir use in the built in controls I will not be using script callback directly myself. It looks iffy.

The impoertant thing is this – build ASP.NET 2.0 Webservices to interface your front tne dtechnology (Atlas, Ajax.NET, pure Ajax javascript) and your logic will be future prrof even if your display stuff has to change.