…"i'm totally gonna ask for favors!"




Emily: Oh, well, thank you. That’s a pretty color. What is that?
Lorelai: It’s called Vicious Trollop.
Emily: Oh, stop it! Now why would you name a lipstick something like that?
Lorelai: ‘Cause ‘dirty whore’ was taken?
Emily: You frighten me.

You know, I have a soft spot in my hear for the Gilmore Girls. Not only are both the main characters pretty hot in a way I can’t exactly define the possibility of some mother daughter lesbian incest hangs heavy in the air. Oh, and the writing is witty and the dialogue is pretty tight, about the tightest I have seen since Sports Night went off the air.

Anyway, below I have some quotes from the show and there are many, many more where they came from all over the web.

Lorelai: He’s going down.
Rory: I hate to bring this up.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: Kirk has very little in his life.
Lorelai: Uh huh.
Rory: He has no career, no girlfriend, no pet, no car. He lives with his mother, she won’t even let him have his own key. The only thing he does have in his whole lonely pathetic existence is this marathon. If we win, if we take him down, if we take away that last little piece of dignity, then we leave him with nothing.
Lorelai: I wonder if he’ll cry.
Rory: My mother, the Howard Roark of Stars Hollow.


Emily: go on.. u were on the phone.
Richard: Long distance
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London ?
Richard: My mother lives in London
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai
Lorelai:(to Rory) So God is a women. And A relative. thats so cool! i’m totally gonna ask for favors!