I did NOT fuck Tucker MAx.




I have two comments about I Fucked Tucker Max.

“Please rise.” We all rise in compliance with the lesbian’s wishes. “Please face the East.”


“Oh, good spirits of the East, we gather here today to ask of you, the eagle, the badger, the water moccasin, blessing in this union of Trixie and…”

What the fuck?

Five minutes later – a full five – we turn to face the North. And begin praying to animals again. For an entire half an hour, we were lead in prayer by a lesbian with a dead mongoose hanging from her belt as we asked the blessing of animals and spirits and of the wind and fire and why, why, why don’t I have any whiskey left. East, North, West, South, Up, Down, Amen. Five minutes each. A half an hour, standing, turning, praying. All of the grandparents had to sit down by South; I chose to sit down by West. My grandmother grumbled at me through gritted teeth, “What did I do to make him marry her.”