…but good whores like me understand…




Max Hardcore – a man who certainly seams to have a way with women ๐Ÿ™‚

“Well Max, in my opinion, every whore needs to take a turn with you. To get broken in. I still remember when I did my first scene with you…afterwards I said I will not do this porn thing again. Turns out that after that scene I found out that to work for anybody else in porn is a f—ing cakewalk. A lot of whores won’t work for you because you will actually make them WORK for their money. But good whores like me understand, that taking an occassional ass wrecking is good for them. So, in the meantime take in mind that nobody knows what they are talking about, unless they have personally sat in on a set and documented “unusual” behavior. In my opinion, you are one of the most professional people that I have worked for ON and OFF camera. By the way, taking rounds with you on camera has convinced me that it is not so bad after all, to be a piss guzzling whore.”


2 responses to “…but good whores like me understand…”

  1. Max Hardcore has “a way with women” because he pays them, you dolt.

  2. Of course he pays them… and no doubt that accounts for a certain amount of the support he recieves. However it isn’t the whole story. The simple reality is that Max (like other, similar directors and websites) now also attract women who are turned on by such treatement.

    Supply, demand. Simple.