Why aren't idiots rioting?




Sometimes, you wonder what peopel are thinking. The rioting in France is stupid, pointless, doomed to fail and a sign of a deeply and inherantly flawed social system. A social system that peopel like the ones quoted below are constantly trying to re-create in the US. These peopel point at all the failed economies and lame duck pseudo-socialisms in Europe as if they hold the secret of the universe.

So of course the rioting in Framce aren’t a bad thing – no, they are somehting to be emulated. Idiots.

“I like this. Tiffany asked last week on blackfeminism.org if we too should be rioting (like they are in France) when we begin to think about how black and brown people are treated all over the world. I have been thinking the same thing as I read and write more about incarceration rates and their racial implications and as I teach in communities that continue to deteriorate because of racist/classist/sexist policies and as I talk to my best friend, another community worker who just went to a funeral for a 2 year old that was shot in the chest.

So you tell me, shouldn’t we be rioting?” – insanity in context