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Convergence is inevitable

But to see the start of convergence in action, take a look at my (actual) day today:

I went for a walk through downtown Seattle starting at about 12:30, ending at about 3:30.  At the start of my walk, I plugged headphones into my phone, pressed the “voice command” button and said “dial 800 808 1336”.  A few seconds later I was speaking to a Sprint representative about my latest bill.  Once I was satisfied with her explanation, I paid it via credit card over the phone.  Upon hanging up, I said “Play Christmas” which opened up Windows Media Player and started playing a Christmas music mix (yes, I actually like holiday music!)  I dropped my phone into my coat pocket and continued walking.

A few minutes later the music paused and my phone started vibrating.  I pressed the button on my headphones to answer.  It was Carmen; I spoke to her for about 10 minutes…  when finished, I pressed the button to hang up and the music started up again automatically.  I never took the phone out of my pocket.